Information and educational environment of a modern institution of postgraduate pedagogical education
Author: Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna, Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna, Zaporozhchenko Maksym Volodymyrovych
Fund: Popular science, journalistic publications
Category: Innovations
Keywords: information and educational environment, ICT, digital competence, advanced training, SMART-environment, interactive equipment
Makhrovska, N. A., Pohromska, H. S. & Zaporozhchenko, M. V. Informatsiino-osvitnie seredovyshche suchasnoho zakladu pisliadyplomnoi pedahohichnoi osvity [Information and educational environment of a modern institution of postgraduate pedagogical education]. Mykolaiv (ukr).
In the context of educational reform, the modern educational environment is becoming extremely important. The creation and effective functioning of the information and educational environment is made possible by the introduction of digital information technology in the field of design, ICT and communications. The development of the modern information society puts forward new requirements for the world educational system for the training and retraining of teachers. One of the creative means of supporting such training is the information and educational electronic environment. Based on it, it is necessary for teachers to promote the rational use of electronic educational resources in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. That is why the Mykolayiv Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education faces problems that can be solved only with the formation of a quality modern information and educational environment. To this end, MOIPPO approved the Concept of information and educational environment MOIPPO, which aims to promote the development of the institute not only as a regional center for retraining of teachers of Mykolayiv region, but also a modern center for media culture and innovation in the context of educational space of Mykolayiv region