Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Tekholohii transliatcii muzychnoho tekstu: do problemy vykladannia pedahohiky vystetstva

Author: Petrenko Olha Mikolayivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Music
Keywords: technologies of translation, art pedagogics, traditional musical text, new musical text, integrated technology.

Petrenko, O. M. (2013). Tekhnolohii transliatsii muzychnoho tekstu: do problemy vykladannia pedahohiky mystetstva [From Technologies of music text translation: to the problem of teaching art pedagogy]. 1.43 (98), 101–106 (ukr).


In modern music and pedagogical education of possession technologies of translation of musical text is a necessary condition professional competence of the future teacher. In activity musician-teacher analysis of the musical text becomes an important factor artistic and pedagogical communication and is the main task of musical aesthetic education and enlightenment. Technologies of mastering music text today form the basis of the subject of art pedagogy, and agogical practice requires a combination of musical and creative, educational methodical, research and creative-interpretive activities.