Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871



Author: Kuznietsova Anastasiia Mykolaivna
Fund: Articles
Category: New Ukrainian school
Keywords: an integrated task, evaluation criteria, Taras Shevchenko’s poetic texts, the benchmarks for evaluation, the linguistic and literary task, the New Ukrainian school, the requirements for mandatory learning outcomes, the types of integrated tasks.


The practically oriented article actualizes the meaning of the integrated tasks as an effective tool in reaching educational aims, in particular taking into consideration the New Ukrainian School conception based on the materials of a famous world poet, Taras Shevchenko. The meaning of integrated tasks as a functional instrument for reaching educational results, namely the conception of the New Ukrainian School, has been actualized. Different approaches to the definition of the integrated tasks as minimal teaching units of the integrated approach in education have been generalized, and overall requirements for their modelling at lessons have been clarified: practice orientation, intellectual background of an exercise, reliance on students’ life experience, active, diverse, and independent activity of the applicants under the auspices of a teacher in different forms of partnership interaction. The classification of the integrated tasks has been given according to the types of respective lessons: intrasubject, interdisciplinary, intersectoral, cross-sectoral integration, two-component, and multi-component ones. The notion of linguistic and literary task has been defined as an educational unit of language arts class, and its structure peculiarities have been exposed too. It contributes to the complex formation of communicative and literary competences of a personality. Its structural peculiarities have been revealed. The examples of original linguistic and literary tasks (on the poetic works of Taras Shevchenko) in order to form and develop crucial competences and cross-cutting skills in the 5th – 6th formers have been presented. The integrated tasks are grounded in overall and systematic knowledge acquisition, help to develop key competences and cross-cutting skills of pupils, provide the realization of activity-related, problem-based, and text-centered approaches to mastering educational subjects. The evaluation criteria for the integrated task in accordance with the requirements for mandatory learning outcomes in the field of language and literature education at the New Ukrainian School have been proposed. They take into consideration four groups of evaluation results, general and concrete ones, the evaluation benchmarks, and six levels of educational material acquired in accordance with B. Bloom’s taxonomy.