Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Author: Volos Olga Vasylivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Postgraduate education
Keywords: adult education; educational services; educators; local history; local history education.
Author: Hladun Vitalii Viktorovich
Fund: Articles
Category: Social science
Keywords: citizenship; civic competence; culture of democracy; education for democratic citizenship; interactive methods; postgraduate education.
Author: Surina Hanna Yuriivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: competent teacher; integral development of a teacher; integration; noo-education; personal growth of a teacher.
Author: Liskovych Olena Volodymyrivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Physics
Keywords: physics and astronomy teacher; preparing physics and astronomy teachers for STEM education; professional development of teachers; STEM education; STEM education opportunities
Author: Pohorelova Lyubov Valentynivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Medicine
Keywords: integrated course «Health, Safety and well-being»; preventive and educational work; «Safety Route»; subject «Basics of health»