Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871

Ukrainian literature

Author: Khodanych Petro
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Dmytro Kremin; education; literary and artistic environment; literary prototype; reflections; underground; Uzhhorod; worldview
Author: Fedaka Serhiy
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Dmytro Kremin; Irshava; Kremen's poetry; Mykolayiv region; poet's perception of the world; values
Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: creator; integrity; harmonious integritythe «happy soul» model; Korpanyuk; model of «spiritual integrity»; the «creator of harmonious wholeness» model
Author: Kornieva Svitlana Yevgenivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: education; G. Skovoroda; life directions; moral values; outlook; personal characteristics
Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych, Gladyshev Vladimir Vladimirovich
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: bibliotherapeutic potential of a literary work; Hryhorii Skovoroda; life priorities; philosopher; reader; Ukrainian identity; Ukrainianness.