Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871

Ukrainian literature

Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych
Fund: Monographs
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Philosophy of education, educational landscape, no-education landscape, scientific and methodological environment, own trajectory of professional and professional growth, 10 strategies, skills and competencies, Hard skills "solid" skills, Soft skills "Soft" skills.
Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych
Fund: Textbooks, manuals
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Logic-semiotic model, literary competence, value and ethical component, methodological imperative, imperative norm, own strategies, model principles, self-determination, self-affirmation.
Author: Gladyshev Vladimir Vladimirovich, Kuznietsova Anastasiia Mykolaivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Dmytro Kremin; poetic symphonies; poetic voice; stage of life and work; «Uzhhorod period».
Author: Kremin Taras Dmitrovich
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: discourse; historiosophical motives; kalokagatia; modernism; symphonic poem.
Author: Nazarenko Liudmyla Anatoliіvna
Fund: Articles
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Keywords: analysis of art pieces; conscious perception; information and communication technologies (ICT); experiment; literary competence (LC); practical tasks; project activity.