Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871

Collections, collections

Author: Maksym Volodymyrovych Zaporozhchenko
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Media education
Keywords: Украинский английский иврит Медіаосвіта, медіакультура, медіаграмотність, інформаційна гігієна, інтеграція, цифрова безпека, інфомедійна грамотність Mediaosvita, mediakulʹtura, mediahramotnistʹ, informatsiyna hihiyena, intehratsiya, tsyfrova bezpeka, infomediyna hramotnistʹ 120 / 5 000 Media education, media culture, media literacy, information hygiene, integration, digital security, information media literacy
Author: Olena Oleksiivna Sokurenko, Oksana Mykolaivna Smola
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Elementary School
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotional well-being, emotions, non-violent communication, emotional competence, emotionally intelligent personalities, etc.
Author: Zaporozhchenko Maksym Volodymyrovych
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Media education
Keywords: media education, media literacy, media culture, media psychology, infomedia literacy, digital literacy, project, experiment
Author: Gych Galina Nikolaevna
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Language
Keywords: Modern methods, New Ukrainian school
Author: Lebid Halyna Serhiivna, Sokurenko Olena Oleksiivna
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Pre-school education
Keywords: Professional development of pedagogical workers, application of quest technology, formation of speech competence, types of quests, technology of application of quests.