Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Author: Lebid Galina Serhiyivna, Sokurenko Olena Oleksiivna
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Pre-school education
Keywords: Quest technologies, improvement of practical skills, promotion professionalism, research of the theoretical foundations of the application of quest technology, quest components, stages of development, its algorithm carrying out, determining the criteria for evaluating the completion of the quest, etc.
Author: Olena Oleksiivna Sokurenko
Fund: Textbooks, manuals
Category: Elementary School
Keywords: Modern trends in the development of education in Ukraine, State standard of primary education, game activity, classification of games, formation of world understanding, education of worldview culture, etc.
Author: Vasyl Ivanovych Shulyar
Fund: Monographs
Category: Ukrainian literature
Keywords: Technologies of visualization, music therapy, pedagogical reflection, application of means, techniques, exercises of valeologisation of language and literature education, valeological component of the lesson/class, "imperative", "ecological-ethical imperative", "methodical imperative".
Author: Maksym Volodymyrovych Zaporozhchenko
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Media education
Keywords: Украинский английский иврит Медіаосвіта, медіакультура, медіаграмотність, інформаційна гігієна, інтеграція, цифрова безпека, інфомедійна грамотність Mediaosvita, mediakulʹtura, mediahramotnistʹ, informatsiyna hihiyena, intehratsiya, tsyfrova bezpeka, infomediyna hramotnistʹ 120 / 5 000 Media education, media culture, media literacy, information hygiene, integration, digital security, information media literacy
Author: Olena Oleksiivna Sokurenko, Oksana Mykolaivna Smola
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Elementary School
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotional well-being, emotions, non-violent communication, emotional competence, emotionally intelligent personalities, etc.